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Translating a website ?

I am making my blog http://loyfly.com . How can i make it available in other languages ? For other country users .

Jawaban (3)


sorry i understood wrong in your post so if you want i can translate in turkish your blog posts ok?

03:41, 2 June 2012


add button or links of languages and this links made tie to files which in your site so this files have pages/indexes which been your site in outher languages example www.site.com/eng www.site.com/tr www.site.com/gr www.site.com/fr etc. ok?

03:37, 2 June 2012


Well, you can copy the terms and texts in your blog to make translations to languages you prefer. The translation of website is hard to achieve even for big companies like yahoo,google and microsoft.

01:19, 30 May 2012

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